Jocko's Defense


Jocko Speaks -- ., 19:13:21 10/06/00 Fri
Colleagues in the AKFC, fellow board regulars, friends, and foes:

I have been asked to present my case regarding the recent unrest, which has so vexed the individual known (formally) as “Albert James Knabe II.” Indirectly, it has created a problem for the rest of this board’s posters, since all we see anymore is Knabe bitching like a pistol-whipped whore about how unfair life is. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. For those who are not familiar with the events to date, allow me to summarize briefly.

In the final days of our ITW exodus, many of us took to late-night raids on ITW boards in a display of civil disobedience. I name no names, since I alone stand under scrutiny and I fully exonerate all others involved with the raids in this matter. It is alleged that I used the name, board address, and email address of the aggrieved Mr. Knabe as a means of covering my own tracks, and throwing suspicion upon an uninvolved third party.

To this charge I proudly plead GUILTY. Guiltier than you’ll ever know.

However, his claims of fraud are specious. His threats of legal action are indicative of his entitlement-minded, big-government, nanny-state thinking. His absolute failure to dissuade any of the patsies from the pageant boards proves that, although he is NOT the maniac who attacked those boards, he is certainly SOME KIND OF MANIAC anyhow.

His claim is that I am “fixated” on him, and as a member of my own gender (I will require medical documentation to fully believe that this is so- he whines like a girl) that he qualifies as grounds for my suspension or expulsion from the hallowed temple of the AKFC. I will mention at this time the many solid arguments against this facetious falsehood made by both friends (like Lost Dog and Aerotica) and former foes (Dr. Truth). All have been thorough logical examinations of both the circumstances and the rule itself, each worthy of the poesy waxed by a longtime AKFC veteran. I am thankful for their support and proud to have earned their respect. Have I violated the first rule? Am I “fixated”?

To the second charge I plead INNOCENT.

Let me explain why in two parts. First, the application of the term “Fixated” and its inaccurate application in this case by the plaintiff, who is a pathetic worm of a creature. Secondly, I will address my ongoing tender mercies aimed at the plaintiff.

First, let us examine the word itself. “Fixation” is, by definition, an ongoing and constant pondering of something or someone. By association, this can also be applied to the actions taken as a result of such consuming attentions. While I do not deny that Knabe has “been my bitch” (as the kids are fond of saying) for well over a year, my gentle ministrations do not amount to “fixation” for three simple reasons:

1. The persona of “Jocko” has contributed to the board and its endeavors on many other fronts. Unlike the plaintiff, I am no one-trick pony. While Knabe is responsible for my appearance here in the first place, I think we can all agree that he is not, nor has ever been, “Jocko’s” sole reason for existence.

By way of contrast, let us look at the plaintiff himself. Knabe’s sole reason for posting here is to draw abuse and garner ill-will, which he interprets as envy. In particular, he has tried to unloose his watered-down Texan venom upon me in retaliation (as is his right). So in this, Knabe is far closer to demonstrating “fixation” than am. As a result, I consider such an obsessive youth to be an unreliable judge of what “fixation” amounts to, since he swims in it daily but never comprehends his silliness.

Additionally, it is clear that Knabe carries this matter beyond the keyboard, whereas I barely give it a thought when not addressing it in a straightforward and direct manner. Knabe loses sleep over this; I do not. As I have stated on numerous occasions, the torment of Albert Knabe is a diverting hobby, no more.

2. Secondly, there is the question of precedent. I speak specifically of the entanglements other AKFC members have found themselves in; i.e. our esteemed President SR and Dr. Truth, Burntoutbill and Knabe, Roadkill and everybody. These flame wars have often been of a protracted and personal nature.

I submit that the only difference between these conflicts and the one between me and the plaintiff is one of degree, and there is no difference in regard to their natures. While it can be argued that “fixation” may be measured by duration, I would assert that such measurement is subjective and inherently flawed. In any event, definitive guidelines would have to be established to delineate a significant difference between my torturing Knabe and SR’s briefer wrestling match with Dr. Truth. Even if such guidelines were implemented, I would claim ex post facto and therefore be exempt insofar as this case is concerned, as I’m sure Hot Karl can confirm under the rule of law. However, I do not anticipate such a clause being added to the charter, as any black-and-white measurement would ipso facto be capricious and suspect.

3. As stated so clearly by Dr. Truth this week, the SPIRIT of the fixation rule is in regard to gender, not sex. The basis of the entire club is rooted in gender identity and maintaining the integrity of traditional gender roles in society, and the struggle against those who would corrupt the natural world order of such.

If I were truly “fixated” on the plaintiff, my attentions would be of a kinder, even affectionate nature. The fact that Albert possesses a Y chromosome has no bearing on my opinion of him (chromosome statement being made on faith, of course). Neither his biological sex nor his gender, i.e., his sexuality, have any bearing on my tenor when dealing with him. The most cursory examination of our history will confirm this assertion. Beyond the obligatory “you’re a fag child molestin’ dog-rapin’ pedophile” references, you will be unable to find any inappropriate gender-related subtext. If impugning the sexual preference or potency of one’s opponent is a crime, then you accuse every military and political leader in human history with me. It is a tradition as old as time, and has no legitimate connection to sexual fixation. I present as an example a ditty told to me by my grandfather, who proudly served this nation in Africa and Italy in 1944, losing a leg to a nazi landmine:

“Hitler’s only got one ball,
Himmler has two, but very small.”

There’s more to it, but you get the idea.

Therefore, for these reasons, I assert my innocence of the charge of fixation, either in the literal or interpretive sense. In light of the plaintiff’s own obsessive history, I hereby request that this case be dismissed summarily.

Now, in the “you didn’t ask but I’m telling you anyway” category, let me briefly explain my reasons for hounding Albert Knabe. Yes, I agree that it is hounding at the very least. Most of you are aware that I did not seek out Knabe- he found ME. Logo Dave and BUZZ were also witnesses to the uninvited trespass of Knabe on another message board. He deluged the Kevin Matthew’s board with advertisements for, and solicitation of donations to, his infamous “World Peace Concert.” This in spite of the boldy-fonted “no ads” caveat in the board’s header. He was asked to stop posting. He refused. He was asked to leave. He indignantly refused, and began to rail against our “IGNORance.”

Knabe threw the first punch. I have witnesses.

As I began to know him better, I saw a slowing emerging picture of a creature so foul and low, I took enjoyment in abusing him. His impotently indignant cries of superiority were quite precious. Seeing him bested is like the feeling you get when that lousy parent finally decides that the kid is crying too loudly, and they take the brat out of the theater.

I saw Albert Knabe demand the overthrow of the U.S. government, written on a taxpayer-funded library computer.

I read Albert’s self-serving pleas for money, so he could continue to spread the word about blowing your SSI welfare check on marijuana.

I see Albert invite intelligent criticism and debate (which I tried in the early days) with poster after poster, only to condemn their relative “IGNORance” three days into the exchange, whereupon he declares himself the winner in a way only Milosevic could admire.

I see an impudent, spoiled child rolling along ADA-mandated, taxpayer funded handicapped accessible sidewalks, happily wallowing in unemployment, and toking up with my tax dollars, demanding recognition for his brilliance and displaying none.

Now he wants to be mayor. Whose “IGNORance” will be to blame when he fails, and fails badly? You ALL KNOW IT’S COMING.

Who can deny these truths?

This is why I torment Albert James Knabe II. Because I don’t like snot-nosed pricks and their entitlement attitudes. Because some people arouse the need in others to take them down a notch or two. I have been on the receiving end of this treatment myself, and with good reason- the difference?

I LEARNED SOMETHING FROM IT. Learning is a skill that Knabe is utterly unable or unwilling to entertain. SR, you have said as much yourself. It is not that he’s dumb as a stick (he is), it’s that he’s not getting any smarter. That is his choice, I say let him live with it.

So my fellow posters and AKFC peers, I put my fate in your hands. I do not renounce my actions (except in regard to the planting of Knabe’s board address- that has ceased and shall not be done again), and I will not acquiesce to Knabe’s taking shelter behind the first amendment, even as he bemoans how others use it. Jocko shall ever be the other edge of the double-edged blade of free speech and responsibility.

Respectfully Submitted, this evening of October 6th, year of our lady 2000,

The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
AKFC for boys who get misty-eyed when the Deltas walk out of their disciplinary hearing, humming the national anthem in "Animal House"