Death Pool Participants (continued) Infi-dale................on Novemeber 23, 2001 by anxiety attack! greencorupted........all of the above kill the ass hole!!!! as soon as possible! kill nuclear attack ASAP, can you say, GLASS PARKING LOT by plane, December 2001 gunfire, 1-01-02 STEVE W..............attack by gunfire, 10-31-01 Oni......................missile attack and suicide on 12-17-01 He will either be hit with a missle or take his own life. I hope for a missle hit, and if there is any justice in the world somehow Falwell and Roberts will be nearby. plane on 12-18-01 0ctopuss................attack by gunfire ASAP After cutting off his weener -if he's got one...
plane and execution, pretty friggin' soon First they'll capture him, tie him up, and bring him to America. One within the country, they can tie him up by his neck and parade him down the streets of NYC (allowing the citizens to curse him off, but not KILL him.) GuGu......................missile attack on 10-22-01 Strategic Missle attack for sure... after he raps off mroe. bubbausa24112.........plane
attack on 10-01-01 operation missile up the ass.......all of the above but not suicide on 9-28-01 I HOPE YOU DIE..........missile attack, execution, suicide on 1-10-01 Hello I am from Holland, DIE OSAMA BIN LADEN, DIE DIE DIE DIE !!!!! DIE SLOW!!! Iwoti.....................suicide on 10-10-01 The cowards way out. When? Too soon. He should die at the hands of a few thousand widows and orphans, each armed with one small razor blade. joyforhishappypain...........First, find the thing he loves the most and slowly kill it in front of him. 2nd,
Drag him slowly, behind a tank, for 15 hours a day, (9 hours basting in human feces) keeping him on the edge of death for a month or so. monkeyboy................TRIAL.. HARD LABOUR UNTIL THE DAY HE DIES
on 11-09-35 |